星期五, 十月 17




7 条评论:

Victor Chan 说...

越 抓 越 痒, 越 反 贪 越 爱 贪。

Kai-Foong Kok 郭继锋 说...


匿名 说...

Wow, I love this topic!

At first I read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itch

Well, too lengthy... I yet consumed it.

An real life example...

I could have fungus near knee area after sweat without cleaning (bath or wash).

My body signal me itch. I scratch until I hurt it and induce pain.

An elaboration...

At first, my body give me a minor hint (itch) that something not so serious is attacking my body. So I give it a scratch (itch caused scratching reflex) to try shake it off. But the more I scratch, the friction caused skin damage and finally body signal me to stop because of pain.

At this point, I got both pain + itch. Somehow, the itch is worsen. I continue to scratch until bleeding... this time visual signal , and red == danger, the smell of blood too give me a signal of danger.

And I stopped scratching and apply medicine. And the medicine some how stopped the pain + itch...


I think both itch + pain is a way for ones body to try to alert a person of a situation where automatic system are not available to handle it.


For ur case of a healing process itch. I think is because of the following...

Itch is surface level signal, pain is serious level signal. And it goes its a FILO (first in last out).

Itch -> pain -> healing -> pain -> itch -> normal...


Just my imagination....


匿名 说...

BTW, we got headache and stomach ache. Have we got head itch or stomach itch?

Seems like, if we got something deep in the body (brain, intestine), aching is the only signal it produce to warn. But surface, we got pain + itch.

With most animal with fur, you normally see them scratching because of lies sucking their blood, monkey, dog, cat, cow, etc...


匿名 说...

But still find many things undefined-able. Because our limited languages. If you could check out left-right brain topics... it is said most aspect that right brain handles are hardly define-able...


匿名 说...

oops, seems like I'm greatly interested with this topic...


The itch and pain could be tuned! Look at SHAOLIN kung fu master! They could even punch a hole with finger! If I do that, It gave me lots of pain! And, most of the tricks used by them are mental! Not structural, yes, structural is there to support. But mental is the most important point I reckon.


Kai-Foong Kok 郭继锋 说...


关于Mental vs Physical;简单如跆拳道劈木板,也是这个道理。基本练法是必须抱持“一劈到底”的心态,才能成功;有些人劈得很小心,结果手容易受伤,木板也劈不断。这就是你所谓右脑的神秘力量吧!