昨天跟朋友在food court聊天,隔壁桌传来烟云阵阵,也习惯了,便不加理会。过了一段时间(大概整个钟头吧),喉咙开始感觉干枯,有点不舒服。像这样坐上一个晚上,他得抽几根烟啊?

猜到吧?没错;烟来了。。。烟! 哔哔!!哔哔!!哔哔哔!!看你好不好意思!!
2 条评论:
I saw a tv program, some ppl in the UK, simply stand beside road, and block those huge luxury car passing by, and gaved them memo. Memo about why they need big cars (spending huge amount of fuel)? Hmmm...
Look at how many CAMRY around the road. I recently discovered that those cars are 70 litters! 2.0 version could go up to 500~~. As compare to a 50 litters tank Vios, that could almost hit 600~~!
Some example feelings over those nice big cars:
- Admire: dream of owning one, because feel that ppl will not look u down.
- Envy: hate at the mouth, but love in the heart. Just can't affort it...
- Distrubing: fat ass blocking ur way, road are too small already and still driving huge cars...
- Hate: simply not green.
I would say, quite imbalanced, admire site being having more supporters... (by looking at how those cars number growing on the road...)
Or simply the best solution to stop this global warming is by simply letting human killing its ownselve and future? :-?